Strategic partnership for research, development and production of the novel material Mylo.
Fine leather has been tanned at HELLER-LEDER since 1920. The focus has always been on technical progress and the willingness to research and develop. With the changing from a public to its own wastewater treatment plant HELLER-LEDER has laid the foundation for an ecological orientation in the early 1980s. Since then HELLER-LEDER has been known as a pioneer for environmental protection and sustainability in the leather industry.
We have already demonstrated our courage in pursuing new ideas with the introduction of an olive leaf tannage and our willingness to submit 100% of our production to the strict criteria of the "Blue Angel" eco-label. We are particularly proud of awards such as "Tannery of the Year", the "German Sustainability Award" and the "Federal Eco-Design Award".
HELLER-LEDER is still involved in several future projects, such as the REEL project, the development of technological systems which produce high-quality retanning agents from residues of the leather industry and vegetable biomass and thus make an important contribution to more sustainable leather production. The REEL project in cooperation of LANXESS, INVITE and HELLER-LEDER was awarded the "Innovation Award of the German Ministry of the Environment".
Leather is our passion and our lifeblood. As long as we humans consume meat, the use of the skin as a residual material in food production is sustainable, sensible and a matter of respect. Tanning hides and producing long-lasting products of high quality has many thousand years tradition. The world population is growing inexorably and the more meat is needed for human nutrition, the more topical and important it will be not only to preserve this ancient tradition of tanning leather, but also to optimise it in terms of environmental awareness and sustainability.
At the same time, we are witnessing an increasing number of people who are consciously eating meat-free or want to live without any products of animal origin at all. These needs must be taken absolutely seriously and present us with new challenges in culture, society and industry. New materials are emerging and the focus is on natural origin in harmony with humankind and nature. We are experiencing a time of blossoming for alternative materials and at the same time leather does not have something to hide. Some innovations that lead to the introduction of alternative, natural materials will also have a positive impact on our leather industry. Innovation means renewal and diversity. And diversity in the choice of sustainable materials is always positive.
Therefore, we at HELLER-LEDER have decided to support the California-based company BOLT THREADS in the research, development and production of the novel material MYLO. MYLO is a novel, particularly innovative material based on mycelium, the underground structure of mushrooms. The strategic partnership between HELLER-LEDER and BOLT THREADS is based on mutual respect and tolerance. Both companies will therefore refrain from negative comparative advertising of REAL LEATHER and MYLO. MYLO should rather be developed as an independent material and natural alternative. The partnership of HELLER-LEDER and BOLT THREADS brings tradition, innovation and diversity into harmony.
We at HELLER-LEDER are proud of our new partners at BOLT THREADS and look forward to interesting challenges, many new ideas, exciting technologies and innovations and to the mutual love for our products REAL LEATHER and MYLO.
Thomas Strebost Frank Fiedler
President CEO